
Movie Poster Tutorial

Program Used: Adobe Photoshop CS4

This is the movie poster I made with a video tutorial and images provided by the video. It was relatively simple, the only difficult part was listening to the man's voice. I can't stand it. I don't know why, it just drives my crazy. He just changed pitch at weird times. He also goes way too into detail with really obvious things and stops designing to explain something I already know, which is really boring. Then at other times, he assume the listener already knows things that I don't know and I have to go back and watch it three times to figure out what he's doing. Which might I add is even more annoying because I have to listen to his voice saying the EXACT same thing 3 times. On the bright side, I have fallen in love with the clipping mask. It is amazing how you can erase an image then get it back like that. Overall the tutorial was fun and I learned stuff, but the voice drove me nuts.
Source Tutorials: [ 1 ]
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