
5 Page Brochure

Program Used: Adobe Photoshop CS4
In this project, I had to create a 5 page magazine layout for a company. I was inspired by this, this and this brochure layouts. I decide to incorporate strawberries and make a pun out of the Beatles song "Strawberry fields forever" by making it literally a strawberry field location. This project was not too difficult, but it was challenging to make it look a bit professional. I'm not used to making pages flow together to that was difficult for me. I love the logo I made, it has the Beatles at the bottom for a beautifully pen-tooled Strawberry.  The rest of the magazine I am in kind of happy with. I like the lines and the way they flow between the pages. I think the second pages are way too busy, there are too many images on the page and it doesn't look clean. I think the third pages as the best because I in-cooperated the coloured text to make everything link up. I am reasonably happy with the way this turned out, but I can see a lot of things wrong with it.
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